Surrender to action / by Jacob Turner

Get in the ring and get knocked out for once. - Me


Wtf am I doing? I know why I want to work with men and young men. But I’m having trouble synthesizing a offering and trusting that this work brings value. Maybe it’s my fear that I myself want quick value, much like the rest of society. If Kings Compass doesn’t provide quick value, my belief is that it will fail. But what I really want is to create a community, cultivate a deep bond with men of likeness. The goal being to dismantle patriarchy, capitalism, sexual abuse and the dependency of emotional labor on our loved ones.

My limiting/shadow belief is that I don’t know enough to bring the value that I want to provide. Sometimes I think I need to have a PHD just to help people and make a difference. But I do have a PHD in being me, now I need to find the courage to be honest and real with myself and the folks I want to be in community with. But I’m still stuck on some questions that stop me from acting…

Is it groups? Is it speaking engagements? Is it a product? Is it just me being me on social media? All of the above?

Maybe it’s time to untie my hands to stop dodging punches, and start throwing some. (Hyper masculine analogy) lol.