Are we there yet? / by Jacob Turner


There is no finish line. Goals, milestones, achievements, growth... all of it is a journey. Grass doesn’t stop growing when it gets a certain length and roots of trees don’t stop deepening themselves... I’ve lived in fear thinking I would not amount to my highest potential. I use to think (and still think, at times) that I could right my wrongs, overcome, get the money, live my ideal life only to be confused again when non of it feels fulfilling. 

Living the life I love is a never needing journey that takes acceptance of acknowledgment of a practice. What am I centering/ what is the direction I want to go? How am I treating myself? How am I treating my fellow man/planet? How am I doing in all the ways?!  To find the path, we have to stop and check the compass 🧭. Nobody looks at a compass once and finds their way through the wild. I’ve learned that I have to be able to changeable and protective of my journey and not let outside influences take me off course. I do that by course correcting early and often now.