
Reading: Morning, Noon and Night by Jacob Turner

Life hasn’t always been this way. Growing up, I was used to being shamed for reading by 1 group of “friends” and shamed for not-reading-enough by another. And just two generations ago, my lineage was picking cotton in Louisiana, unable to read or write; held back by fear. The same fear that kept them from learning, and growing and expressing, freely.

Now I read three different books, three times a day to balance my perspective and stretch my curiosity without sacrificing depth.


It’s nice to have the balance of genres. If I read too much Self Help content, I get sick of it! Likewise for any other genre. Keeping a diverse reading pattern makes reading so much more satisfying. Here are some other tips about reading multiple books at once by Adiba Jaigirdar from

  • Read different books at different places. My favorite place to read is in bed.

  • Read through different mediums.

  • Read for your mood – not for your TBR list.

  • Take all the time you need.

The last one made so much sense to me. I was a slow reader and felt self conscious about it until I realized that it didn’t really matter… I was like “Who tf am I reading this stuff for? Take your time, Jake.” I still read pretty slowly but I enjoy taking my time and fully being present with my reading time. Looking back at all the books I’ve read now, I wonder why I let people shame me as a youngster… Maybe to fit in and create a safe place for myself in the world. I encourage you to not fall in to the “fit in” trap. As Brené Brown said…

Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn't require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.

Do what makes you happy and your community will find you. Belonging will find you!

Happy Reading!