Student Loans

Vulnerability: The fuel for Knowing by Jacob Turner

I have over $100,000 in student loan debt. Without it, I would have never found myself.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not proud of having this debt. Being in debt is shitty and It's my fault for not knowing what questions to ask when I took out those loans. I should have been asking myself what I desired my life to look like, but instead I let my external experience become the locust of control.

  1. I never asked myself what I dreamed of becoming.
  2. I didn't set clear goals for myself that were rooted in my knowing.
  3. Like the wind, the education system, media, peers and family took me in and out of opportunities.
  4. I accepted the fact that this was life. My motto was "Go with the flow".

Even now, part of that willingness to be shaped still exists, but it is not what guides my journey anymore. Now I have my own compass that has developed from truly understanding my trauma, my desires, my ideals, my vulnerabilities, my intuition, my power and my spirit. The new motto... "I am what I am".

Financial debt has felt like slavery but not more than living up to other peoples expectations, assumptions and discriminations. I was not myself for far too long. Being in nature to slow down my thoughts brought me clarity that words cannot describe. I am enjoying coming out of my shadows to bath in the sun after all of these years. I'm so grateful for everyone and everything that has shown me who they really are; and I'm thankful for the folks who never had that courage.

Student Loan Debt has taught me that I should never mortgage my choice. There is no price I'd put on my ability to choose the moments I live. This financial trauma had me in a place where I felt like I didn't have space to fail. I felt that I couldn't take a chance to try out a new path. The path was lined by barb wired prison walls made of gold; self imprisonment of the mind and spirit. I now live in the vastness of an ocean, the lushness of a forest trail, the wildness of the jungle. I am abundance in every way and it only took $100,000.

It doesn't need to cost you anything. You can learn from me right now that education is more than school. It is everything. Our body, mind and spirit learn without us even being aware. We are always learning with our planet. Sometimes the best teachers are the ones that make you stand up and say "No. You're wrong."They are the ones that produced the harmful plastics that threaten our oceans and wildlife. Those teachers are the ones that elected the folks in the government that manipulate the people at every turn. Those teachers are the elected folks.

Learn from them. Know that you can make the difference by simply tuning into yourself, recognizing your desires and acting from a grounded place. A place that only you can conceive. That is where creation lies. That is God.
